
One of America’s favourite food that quickly gained popularity all over the world; Peanut Butter is now a food enjoyed by people of all ages. It tastes delicious and melts in your mouth leaving a trail of nutty goodness. A lot of brands have now come up with different variants of peanut butter such as chunky, smooth, unsweetened, chocolate etc. However, the base remains the same, good old peanuts.

A question that instantly arises is; Is it healthy? How much should one consume? What’s in a jar? Peanut butter emerged from the work of multiple people at the turn of the 19th century. Marcellus Gilmore Edson patented peanut paste in 1884. In 1895, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg patented a new process for making peanut butter. He then advertised it as a protein for people without teeth. It’s fair to claim peanut butter as a good source of protein. And even a small serving also contains a lot of important vitamins and minerals. In just two tablespoons, you’ll find 8 grams of protein and 2 grams of fibre. It’s also a rich source of manganese, vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorous.

Studies have shown that peanut butter actually slows down cellular aging and promote heart health. A high intake of nuts may have links to a reduced risk of mortality from heart disease or other causes. The researchers recommend peanuts in particular as a cost-effective way to improve heart health for some people. Ideally, you shouldn’t consume more than one tablespoon per meal and one teaspoon per snack. However, as peanut butter is high in calories, it is crucial that a person limits their intake if they do not want to put on weight.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requirements specify that peanut butter must contain at least 90% peanuts by weight while all other ingredients in peanut butter must equal less than 10% by weight. We often see this layer of oil floating in a peanut butter jar and it often makes people panic. Well, there’s nothing to worry, this small amount of added oil increases shelf life and helps maintain the characteristic smooth and creamy texture of peanut butter that people love. So the next time you make your favourite smoothie, salad dressing or snack, add a dash of peanut butter for that extra flavour and nutrition.

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